Busy busy busy.


Between work, preparing for classes to start up, and my return from Orlando – life has been a little crazy. Thus, no Orlando post  – or any posts – just yet.

Throw in that I’m leaving SUPER early Thursday for an epic weekend in Chicago… Well, no rest for the wicked, they say.

Expect more upon my return!



A Brief Introduction.


Hello all! You can read the official bio under my “About” tab above, so I won’t get too repetitive on you.

Basically, this blog is to keep track in better detail of all of the journeys I’ve gone on and will be going on. I travel A LOT, it’s sort of an obsession to up and leave. But I’d also like to cover some various other things while I’m at it – not always some far off exotic place. Sometimes it’ll be a place I feel needs some attention. I take a lot of photos all the time, so do expect nifty images to accompany each adventure.

Expect a longer post soon, and a summary of my trip to Orlando that I just returned from!

